
I am so far behind on my scrapbooking, but last night I finally had a chance to do a few pages after Vessel went to bed. I have a whole book dedicated to him, so I should get on the ball and start putting pages together for it. So far it's got my ultrasound shots, pictures of of my growing belly throughout pregnancy, his birth certificate, footprints, little cards and notes people gave him, the hospital tags we both wore, and other little memorabilia. Most of my scrapbook pages aren't elaborate and gaudy. Since I have so many pictures, I like to keep things simple. I don't have time to add too many crafty things on each page. It's pretty time consuming. These three are the most ornate ones that I've done. I've seen other scrapbookers who slap one picture on a page and the rest of the page is all ribbons and stickers and buttons and bows. I'd love to make each page that extravagant, but I don't have the time or energy to mess around. So I've decided that it's good enough to just crop the pictures, lay them on themed paper, label them and call it good. Nothing too fancy. I think when I tell people that I'm into scrapbooking they expect me to be super INTO it. I'm more into just organizing pictures, labeling and dating, and putting them in a book rather than in a shoebox under the bed. Since Vessel will be turning 1 soon we've taken down some of his baby pictures and will replace them with some updated ones when we go in to get portraits taken of him and us as a family. Anyway, that was a long post. So, here are some pages I did.

p.s. these pages were too big to scan so I had to take pictures of them...which is why they might be a little blurry, dark, not centered, etc.

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